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7am-10am First Service

10am-1pm Second Service

4pm-6pm Healing Service



Mid-week service from 5pm-8pm



Concern for the needy: especially orphaned and street children and youth. Job 29:12-17, Isaiah 61:1-3, Jeremiah 22:16, Matthew 25:31-40, Luke 4:16-19. We believe in ministering to both the person’s physical and spiritual needs. III John 2. We believe that Jesus’ Gospel is the good news of the kingdom of God that transforms the believer’s relationship with God, neighbours, self and the entire community. We believe that the best way to minister to people is by staying closer to them. John 4:40-41.




Praise & Worship Service 5pm-9pm



6pm-8pm Home Cell Meetings



Counseling 8am-3pm

Holy Spirit Servuuce 5pm-9pm


Prayer Overnights 6pm-6am

Church fundraiser – June

Help ensure we can continue to be a strong part of the community.


Children Outreaches

Children are our future. What happens to children in their first days, months and years of life affects their development, the development of our society, and the development of our world.

The programmes that we support are participatory. They are based on working in and with the context, with families and communities, taking account of local culture and traditions.


On a monthly basis we reach out to other communities with open air crusades and conferences.

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